Pathfix keys
Pathfix allows you to authorize your users and access the data on their behalf. For this purpose, there are 2 types of Keys provided and referenced by Pathfix:
- Public Key
- Private Key
- x-partner-key
The public key is provided by Pathfix to associate each application with the configured integrations.
This is the application identifier in Pathfix that allows us to identify which application to check for the integration settings within Pathfix.
- Click on Keys on the left nav bar
- Click-to-copy the Public Key

There are times when you will need extra layer of security while accessing this data. This is where the Pathfix Private Key comes into play.
The private_key is also application based and is an added layer of protection that you can apply to your calls to the provider. This can be found in the Keys section

Simply include the private_key in the query string parameter, like so:[provider]/call?public_key=[pathfix public key]&userId=[your app user id]&private_key=[pathfix private key]
Use the private key when additional security is required. These are some scenarios where you can include it:
- When testing API calls in Postman
- When using server-to-server calls
- When you get an error - IP Blocked
You can choose to include the private_key by default to all your calls.
DO NOT use the Private Key when making calls to Pathfix API using JavaScript client code. See more on security setting for Pathfix atJavaScript Origins firewalland IP firewall
When using the pre-built plugins for you will be asked for the x-partner-key
This can be found in the Keys section

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