LinkedIn Integration


The Pathfix LinkedIn plugin enables integration from your Bubble app to your user's LinkedIn account. The plugin will render the Connect button (UI) and calls the relevant APIs without you spending time on the API setup. No configurations required to get the plugin working

This documentation will show setup guide.

Setup in LinkedIn Developer App

Please follow this guide to setup your LinkedIn Developer app:

If you have an existing LinkedIn developer app, make sure you have added the Pathfix Redirect URI before proceeding.

Important LinkedIn Developer Update

LinkedIn has updated their primary Product: Sign in with LinkedIn to Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect

All existing developer app before this change will continue to access the older Sign in with LinkedIn product (V1), however, any new developer apps will now see the option with OpenID Connect (V2). Pathfix supports both these scopes, please follow the documentation depending on the type of app access you have.

Setup Pathfix Account

You will need a Pathfix account to be able to use this plugin. Pathfix will manage the entire OAuth process and the plugin offers the relevant APIs for you to access.

  • Login to your Pathfix account and select your application (or create a new application)
  • Select LinkedIn from the list of providers to integrate with. (you can change the Display Name and Description your users see by going into the General tab)
  • Enter the App ID and App Secret received from your LinkedIn dev app
  • Add the Scopes you wish to access depending on your usecase
    • For V1, the login basic scopes will be r_liteprofile r_emailaddress w_member_social
    • For V2, the login basic scopes will be openid profile email w_member_social

Image: Configure
Image: Configure

  • Click on Keys from the left nav bar and copy your Pathfix x-partner-key for use in the Bubble plugin

Setup Plugin

The plugin is available in the Bubble Plugin store (v3.2.0)

(Important Note: You need to install the Pathfix OAuth Connector first before installing this plugin)

Image: plugin page
Image: plugin page

  • On your Design page, select the Pathfix Connector element and select All Providers configured in my Pathfix Account

Image: Select all providers
Image: Select all providers

  • Go to Preview to check the Connect UI Button for the LinkedIn integration

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required to get the Plugin to work. You can setup your workflow in Bubble and start using the actions.

The Connect button will automatically be added to your page that contains the Pathfix Connector element.

You can add Dropdown, text etc elements to pull in LinkedIn data for your users using the plugin and setup Workflows to LinkedIn actions.

Posting a Text

In order to post to a page managed by the user (Company page), your app will need to have the LinkedIn Advertising API product approved. If you do not have access to this product yet, please request for access and then setup your API call.

IMPORTANT:LinkedIn V2 (new developer apps) will need to select LinkedIn-Me-V2's sub for any field that need the LinkedIn-Me's id

Here is a sample setup for posting a text to LinkedIn:

  • Add a Text element in your Design
  • Add a Button element to Post Text to LinkedIn and create a workflow on button click
  • Setup the workflow as per the image below:

Document image

Note: Please view the documentation mentioned for User/Org Id and add the prefix for the Id accordingly.

Posting Image with Text

Posting image with text is a 3 workflow step process:

  • Add Text element and Image uploading element on your Design page
  • Add a Button element to Post Text to LinkedIn and create a workflow on button click
  • Setup the workflow steps as per the images below:

Step 1:

Document image

Step 2:

Add the Base 64 Image url from the image uploader

Document image

Step 3:

Document image

Actions & Data Calls Available

The Connector plugin calls a few APIs and offers them as Actions in your Bubble Workflow once installed.

There are 2 types of Me API calls available (to get the connected users profile info): Me and Me-V2

  • Me is for developer apps that have access to the older LinkedIn product 'Sign in with LinkedIn'
  • Me-V2 is for developer apps that have access to the new LinkedIn product 'Sign in with LinkedIn Using OpenID Connect'

Document image

Note: Each consumed action (content length of 20KB) is counted as 1 API call in Pathfix

Need help? Reach out to us at [email protected]